The Gold Coast zone is situated on Yugambeh land. It stretches from Jambreen (Tamborine Mountain) and Bimbimbah (Pimpama) down to Majeribah (Mudgeeraba).
Men started playing football in the Gold Coast region during the 1920s
The first record we can find of football in the Gold Coast region is in 1928, Mt Tambourine. It appears a club (the Tambourine Magpies) was formed and their first practice match was with the Kangaroo Point Stars who travelled to the mountain to play the Magpies in March that year. The more experienced Kangaroo Point Stars won the match 4-2. This team appeared to play a few more matches during the late 1920s but there appears to be no further record of the Magpies after the 1920s. It appears football did not return to the region for another 40 years.
Football began to re-emerge on the Gold Coast with the help of competition from just across the QLD border. In 1959 clubs such as Twin Towers were forming and the Tweed District Soccer Football Association (TDSFA) was building a strong local competition. This allowed a junior club (Palm Beach which was established in 1964) to join competition in the area.
By the 1970s, more teams were beginning to form on the Gold Coast. Musgrave FC formed in 1970 and soon after Nerang Eagles Soccer Club was founded in 1972.
We are still building this history. Do you have information about men’s football in the Gold Coast zone? Contact us.
Read a more detailed history of the area below.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which the events presented in this digital history occurred and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their continuing connection to land and waterways as well as their rich history of sports and significant continuing contribution to football.